Here's a glimpse of how the Human Token works

Meet Rajesh

32-year-old startup founder in Bangalore, is driven to build a unicorn. Works long hours, often skips meals and relies on Maggi, chai, and samosas. Relentless pressure is taking its toll, with Rajesh facing severe headaches and constant anxiety. Tried various solutions, but nothing addressed his issues specifically. So, he decided to take control and get to the root of the problem.

Getting Started

I signed up for the Human Token to figure out how stress was really affecting me. Setting it up was easy—just a saliva sample for genetics, a gut swab, and syncing a smart ring. I wore the devices and answered some questions.

The Results

The results blew my mind. It wasn’t just stress or a lack of sleep, my data showed that multiple systems in my body were out of balance. I thought because I was at the right weight and wasn’t at risk for anything. But the good thing was, I finally knew what was going wrong or could go wrong and why.


My coach helped me break down everything clearly.

My gene markers showed a heightened stress response, a typical risk for sleep disorders and a slower metabolism.

My gut microbiome revealed low levels of beneficial probiotics, impacting my digestion, vitamin synthesis and inflammation control.

My blood biomarkers highlighted low cortisol in the morning, low DHEAS, low vitamin D levels and borderline low testosterone levels.

My device data, unsurprisingly, showed poor sleep efficiency and low heart rate variability.

The Gene-Gut Link

The results connected the dots between my lifestyle and how it was affecting my body. The most interesting link was between my genes and gut.

My genes showed a high stress response and slow metabolism, while my gut had low beneficial bacteria. This combo was a vicious cycle — stress was harming my gut, and poor gut health was making it harder to cope with stress.

The Blood-Device Link

The low testosterone and disrupted cortisol levels explained my low energy. My device data confirmed that poor sleep quality wasn’t allowing my body to recover properly at night.

It all made sense — since I wasn’t sleeping well, my body wasn’t making the hormones I needed to get through the day. I had no idea that sleep was affecting my testosterone until I saw it.

What Next?

Of course, my first thought was: How do I fix this? Luckily, my results came with targeted recommendations based on my profile

Recommendation Highlights

Diet: I was told exactly what my gut can currently handle and I knew which metrics the recommended foods would help improve. I even found that I could improve my Vitamin B5 with mushrooms.

Exercise: Everyone tells you to work out. They told me for my unique self, what type, frequency, intensity and time I should be working out. And it even told me what all markers these will impact.

Supplements:  Methylcobalamin and N-Acetyl Cysteine for methylation support, magnesium for improved sleep, and testosterone boosters for energy.

These recommendations were specifically tailored to Rajesh's unique health profile based on his gene, gut, blood, and device data. Recommendations will vary from person to person, as each individual's results and needs are different.

Ask Your Doctor

"I loved the 'Ask Your Doctor' section. Instead of wasting hours searching on Google, it gave me specific, actionable questions to bring to my doctor. When I did, my doctor was surprised and said these weren’t the usual questions he gets from 'Google doctors.'"

Continue Your Journey

"Armed with all this data, I finally felt like I had a game plan to not let stress and poor lifestyle diminish my quality of life. I already feel like I'm on the path to look, feel and perform 10/10".
Human Token
To put it simply, we see the big picture thanks to interconnected data and outline effective pathways to visible improvement.